I am Whipped - Oct 31, 2022


With Your love as a whip, whip me.
With Your grace as rocks, stone me.
With Your mercy as Your hands, slap me.
I walked the Earth with my eyes open.
For the ages I traveled, I have seen a lot.
I climbed mountains. I saw the wonders of Your hands.
I've seen the sky with glittering stars
But with Your Love as a whip, whip me.
With Your grace as rocks, stone me.
With Your mercy as your hands, slap me so I can see You.
I've heard many wonders with my ears
For all who praise You, I have heard Your Name
I've been to valleys where the mighty rivers gush
I've heard the thunders and the wind
But with Your love as a whip, whip me.
With Your grace as rocks, stone me.
With Your mercy as Your hands, slap me, let me hear Your
Open my mouth, let me shout Your name.
Open my mouth, let me tell it on the mountains.
Open my mouth, let me glorify You, oh God!
I'm not going to let the rocks cry out.
Your salvation, Your love, Your mercy, Your grace.
For the love of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son,
I must be whipped by Your love. I must be stoned by Your
grace. I should be slapped by Your mercy.
I now see, I now hear, and my mouth won't shut, For I am
